「計算機斷層掃描」是指利用計算機輔助技術進行的醫學影像檢查,通常簡稱為 CT 掃描。這種技術使用 X 射線和計算機來生成身體內部結構的橫截面影像,幫助醫生診斷疾病、觀察內部器官的狀況,或評估外傷。
CT 掃描是醫學影像學中常用的術語,通常指代計算機斷層掃描。這種技術透過 X 射線拍攝多個角度的影像,然後使用計算機重建出身體的橫截面圖像。CT 掃描廣泛應用於診斷各種醫療狀況,包括腫瘤、內部出血、骨折等。
例句 1:
醫生建議我做一個 CT 掃描以檢查我的肺部。
The doctor recommended a CT scan to check my lungs.
例句 2:
CT 掃描能夠提供比傳統 X 光更詳細的影像。
A CT scan can provide more detailed images than a traditional X-ray.
例句 3:
他在受傷後需要進行 CT 掃描,以確定傷勢的嚴重程度。
He needed to undergo a CT scan after the injury to assess the severity.
例句 1:
Computed tomography has become an essential tool in medical diagnosis.
例句 2:
Computed tomography provides three-dimensional images that help doctors make more accurate diagnoses.
例句 3:
This technology is particularly important in cancer detection and treatment.
這個術語通常用於描述整個 CT 掃描過程,包括影像的拍攝、處理和分析。CT 影像技術能夠快速提供高解析度的影像,幫助醫生在緊急情況下迅速做出決策。
例句 1:
CT 影像可以幫助醫生快速診斷急性病症。
CT imaging can help doctors quickly diagnose acute conditions.
例句 2:
在醫院中,CT 影像技術是急診部門的重要工具。
In hospitals, CT imaging technology is a crucial tool in the emergency department.
例句 3:
This imaging technique is also very useful in pre-surgical assessments.
例句 1:
Tomography techniques are also used in materials science to analyze internal structures.
例句 2:
This technique can provide detailed views of the interior of objects.
例句 3:
In medicine, tomography is crucial for diagnosing and studying diseases.