

「金合歡」是一種植物,學名為 Acacia confusa,屬於豆科植物,常見於台灣及其他熱帶地區。它的特點包括: 1. 樹形高大,葉子呈羽狀,花朵為金黃色,具有觀賞價值。 2. 金合歡的樹皮和葉子在傳統醫學中有使用,據說具有一定的藥用價值。 3. 這種樹木耐旱,適合在貧瘠的土壤中生長,常用於防風林或綠化美化環境。


  1. A type of tree with yellow flowers.
  2. A tree found in warm places.
  3. A tree that is used for decoration.
  4. A plant known for its beauty and medicinal uses.
  5. A flowering tree that grows in tropical areas.
  6. A species known for its resilience and aesthetic appeal.
  7. A tree valued for its ecological benefits and ornamental qualities.
  8. A member of the legume family, often used in landscaping.
  9. A versatile tree species used in traditional medicine and environmental management.
  10. A flowering tree that provides both beauty and ecological functions.




金合歡屬於 Acacia 屬,這個屬包含多種豆科植物,廣泛分布於熱帶和亞熱帶地區。Acacia 類植物通常具有相似的特徵,如羽狀葉子和小花,這些植物在生態系統中扮演著重要角色,提供棲息地和食物來源。


例句 1:

金合歡樹是 Acacia 屬的一部分。

The golden wattle tree is part of the Acacia genus.

例句 2:

Acacia 樹木在許多國家的園藝中都很受歡迎。

Acacia trees are popular in landscaping in many countries.

例句 3:

這片森林中有許多不同種類的 Acacia 樹。

There are many different species of Acacia trees in this forest.



金合歡有時被稱為 Mimosa,這個名稱通常指的是某些類似的植物,特別是那些具有相似花朵和葉子的植物。Mimosa 樹通常具有柔和的葉子和美麗的花朵,常用於園藝和景觀設計。


例句 1:

金合歡有時也被稱為 Mimosa

The golden wattle is sometimes referred to as Mimosa.

例句 2:

Mimosa 樹的花朵在春天時非常美麗。

The flowers of the Mimosa tree are very beautiful in spring.

例句 3:

這種植物的葉子在觸碰時會合攏,這是 Mimosa 的特徵。

The leaves of this plant fold when touched, which is a characteristic of Mimosa.

3:Golden Wattle


金合歡在某些地區也被稱為 Golden Wattle,這個名稱強調了它的金黃色花朵。這種樹木在許多文化中具有象徵意義,常用於慶祝和裝飾。


例句 1:


The flowers of the golden wattle look like golden weeds in the sunlight.

例句 2:

在澳大利亞,Golden Wattle 是國家的象徵樹。

In Australia, the Golden Wattle is the national emblem tree.

例句 3:

這片區域的 Golden Wattle 每年吸引了許多遊客。

The area’s Golden Wattle attracts many visitors every year.