例句 1:
The aluminum group has lightweight and corrosion-resistant properties in metal materials.
例句 2:
Many aircraft structures use metals from the aluminum group.
例句 3:
Aluminum group elements are also widely used in electronic products.
例句 1:
在 Group 13 Elements 中,鋁是最常見的金屬。
In the group 13 elements, aluminum is the most common metal.
例句 2:
鎵是一種稀有的 Group 13 元素,主要用於電子產品。
Gallium is a rare group 13 element mainly used in electronic products.
例句 3:
研究 Group 13 Elements 的化學性質對於材料科學非常重要。
Studying the chemical properties of group 13 elements is very important for materials science.
例句 1:
鋁族也被稱為 Boron Group,因為它們的化學性質相似。
The aluminum group is also called the boron group due to their similar chemical properties.
例句 2:
在 Boron Group 中,鋁的應用最為廣泛。
Among the boron group, aluminum has the widest applications.
例句 3:
許多 Boron Group 的元素在工業上都是重要的原料。
Many elements of the boron group are important raw materials in industry.