

「防曬值」是指防曬產品中所含的防曬成分對紫外線的防護能力,通常以 SPF(防曬係數)來表示。這個值越高,表示產品能提供的防護效果越強,能夠更有效地阻擋紫外線對皮膚的傷害。防曬值不僅限於 SPF,還可以包括 PA 值,這是用來表示防護 UVA(長波紫外線)的能力。防曬值的選擇應根據個人的膚質、活動類型及陽光暴露的程度來決定。


  1. A number that shows how well a product protects from the sun.
  2. A measure of how much sun damage it can prevent.
  3. A rating that indicates how effective a product is against sun rays.
  4. A value that tells you how long you can stay in the sun without burning.
  5. A metric that indicates the level of protection against harmful sun rays.
  6. A standard used to evaluate the effectiveness of sun protection products.
  7. A quantitative measure of a product's ability to shield the skin from ultraviolet radiation.
  8. A specific index that indicates the degree of protection offered against UV exposure.
  9. A scientifically determined value that assesses the efficacy of photoprotective agents in skincare formulations.
  10. A standardized measure that indicates how well a sunscreen can prevent skin damage from UV radiation.


1:Sun Protection Factor (SPF)


這是最常見的防曬值表示方式,通常用於防曬霜或防曬產品的包裝上。SPF 數字越高,表示對 UVB(短波紫外線)的防護效果越強。這個值告訴使用者在使用該產品的情況下,皮膚能夠抵抗陽光照射的時間。


例句 1:

這款防曬霜的 SPF 值是 50,適合長時間在陽光下活動。

This sunscreen has an SPF of 50, suitable for prolonged sun exposure.

例句 2:

如果你有敏感肌膚,建議選擇 SPF 30 或以上的產品。

If you have sensitive skin, it is recommended to choose products with SPF 30 or higher.

例句 3:

使用高 SPF 值的防曬霜可以有效減少曬傷的風險。

Using a high SPF sunscreen can effectively reduce the risk of sunburn.

2:UV Protection Value


這是一個更廣泛的概念,除了 SPF,還包括 PA 值等指標,來評估產品對 UVA 和 UVB 的防護能力。UV Protection Value 可以幫助消費者選擇更全面的防曬產品,尤其是在陽光強烈的環境中。


例句 1:

選擇防曬產品時,應注意 UV 保護值的標示。

When choosing sunscreen products, pay attention to the UV protection value indicated.

例句 2:

這款產品的 UV 保護值很高,適合戶外活動使用。

This product has a high UV protection value, making it suitable for outdoor activities.

例句 3:

了解產品的 UV 保護值有助於選擇適合的防曬產品。

Understanding the UV protection value of a product helps in selecting the right sunscreen.

3:Sunscreen Rating


這是一個綜合評估防曬產品性能的指標,通常會考慮 SPF、PA 值和其他防曬成分的有效性。消費者可以根據這個評級來選擇最適合自己的防曬產品。


例句 1:


This sunscreen has a very good rating and is suitable for all skin types.

例句 2:


Checking the sunscreen rating when selecting a product is a wise approach.

例句 3:


High-rated sunscreen products can offer better protection.