例句 1:
Malta is one of the smallest countries in Europe.
例句 2:
I plan to vacation in Malta to explore its historical sites.
例句 3:
Malta is known for its stunning coastline and clear waters.
例句 1:
Maltese Islands 提供了美麗的風景和豐富的文化體驗。
The Maltese Islands offer beautiful landscapes and rich cultural experiences.
例句 2:
在 Maltese Islands 上,你可以找到許多歷史遺址。
On the Maltese Islands, you can find many historical sites.
例句 3:
我喜歡在 Maltese Islands 的海灘上放鬆。
I love relaxing on the beaches of the Maltese Islands.
例句 1:
馬爾他是一個美麗的 archipelago,擁有豐富的自然資源。
Malta is a beautiful archipelago with rich natural resources.
例句 2:
這個 archipelago 的歷史可以追溯到數千年前。
The history of this archipelago dates back thousands of years.
例句 3:
探索這個 archipelago 的每個島嶼都是一次奇妙的旅程。
Exploring each island of this archipelago is a wonderful journey.
例句 1:
作為一個 Mediterranean Island,馬爾他擁有溫暖的氣候和美麗的海灘。
As a Mediterranean Island, Malta has a warm climate and beautiful beaches.
例句 2:
這個 Mediterranean Island 吸引了來自世界各地的遊客。
This Mediterranean Island attracts tourists from all over the world.
例句 3:
在這個 Mediterranean Island 上,你可以享受到美味的地中海料理。
On this Mediterranean Island, you can enjoy delicious Mediterranean cuisine.