「麻痺魚」是一種魚類,學名為「麻痺魚」(Toxotes spp.),主要分布在東南亞的淡水和咸水環境中。這種魚以其獨特的捕食方式而聞名,能夠從水面上跳起來捕捉昆蟲,並且有時會表現出類似於麻痺的行為,這是它們在水中的一種適應性反應。麻痺魚的肉質鮮美,受到不少人的喜愛,常見於當地的市場和餐廳中。
例句 1:
The archersfish, also known as the Toxotes, has a unique hunting method.
例句 2:
In tropical regions, the archersfish is a common ornamental fish.
例句 3:
The archersfish can accurately catch insects from the water's surface.
例句 1:
Toxotes 是麻痺魚的學名,常見於東南亞的水域。
Toxotes is the scientific name for the archersfish, commonly found in Southeast Asian waters.
例句 2:
這種魚的學名 Toxotes 來源於其獨特的捕食行為。
The scientific name Toxotes comes from its unique hunting behavior.
例句 3:
許多水族館會展示 Toxotes 的捕食技巧。
Many aquariums showcase the hunting techniques of Toxotes.
例句 1:
麻痺魚被稱為 shooting fish,因為它們能夠發射水流捕捉昆蟲。
The archersfish is called shooting fish because it can shoot water to catch insects.
例句 2:
在某些地方,人們會觀察 shooting fish 捕食的精彩表現。
In some places, people watch the shooting fish display their impressive hunting skills.
例句 3:
shooting fish 的捕食方式讓人驚嘆。
The hunting method of shooting fish is astonishing.