義和團運動在西方通常被稱為 Boxer Rebellion,這個名稱源於義和團成員對於武術的訓練和信仰。他們自稱為「義和拳」,意指「義和」和「拳術」。這場運動的主要目的是反對外國的殖民統治和基督教的傳播。
例句 1:
義和團運動也被稱為 Boxer Rebellion。
The Boxer Rebellion is another name for the Yihequan movement.
例句 2:
Boxer Rebellion 對中國歷史有深遠的影響。
The Boxer Rebellion had a profound impact on Chinese history.
例句 3:
許多外國人對 Boxer Rebellion 的反應非常負面。
Many foreigners had a very negative reaction to the Boxer Rebellion.
例句 1:
Yihequan 成員相信他們的武術能夠抵抗外國的侵略。
Members of the Yihequan believed their martial arts could resist foreign invasion.
例句 2:
Yihequan 是一個反抗外國勢力的民間組織。
Yihequan was a grassroots organization resisting foreign powers.
例句 3:
在歷史上,Yihequan 的影響力不容小覷。
Historically, the influence of Yihequan cannot be underestimated.
例句 1:
這場 Anti-foreign movement 反映了當時中國人民的憤怒。
This anti-foreign movement reflected the anger of the Chinese people at that time.
例句 2:
Anti-foreign movement 對中國的政治格局產生了深遠影響。
The anti-foreign movement had a profound impact on China's political landscape.
例句 3:
許多歷史學家研究了這場 Anti-foreign movement 的原因和後果。
Many historians study the causes and consequences of this anti-foreign movement.
例句 1:
這場 Nationalist uprising 最終挑戰了清朝的統治。
This nationalist uprising ultimately challenged the rule of the Qing Dynasty.
例句 2:
許多參與 Nationalist uprising 的人希望恢復中國的尊嚴。
Many participants in the nationalist uprising hoped to restore China's dignity.
例句 3:
Nationalist uprising 是中國歷史上重要的事件之一。
The nationalist uprising is one of the important events in Chinese history.