



  1. The year before the last year of high school.
  2. The 11th year of school, usually for older teens.
  3. The penultimate year of secondary education.
  4. The year where students prepare for graduation.
  5. The year that often includes important exams.
  6. The second to last year in a typical high school program.
  7. The year where students focus on subjects for university.
  8. The year in high school that is crucial for academic planning.
  9. The year in secondary education that is significant for college readiness.
  10. The year before the final year in high school, often focusing on advanced courses.


1:11th Grade


在美國和其他一些國家的教育系統中,11年級通常被稱為11th Grade。這是學生在高中期間的第三年,通常是他們準備高考和大學申請的關鍵時期。學生在這一年會選擇一些專業課程,並參加各種課外活動以增強他們的申請資料。


例句 1:


I study math and science in 11th grade.

例句 2:


She participated in many extracurricular activities in 11th grade.

例句 3:


The courses in 11th grade are very important for college applications.

2:Junior Year


在美國教育系統中,11年級通常被稱為Junior Year。這一年對學生來說是非常重要的,因為他們開始考慮大學的選擇,並且通常會參加SAT或ACT等標準化考試。這也是許多學生開始實習或參加社區服務的時期。


例句 1:

Junior Year,我開始準備大學入學考試。

In my junior year, I started preparing for college entrance exams.

例句 2:

他在Junior Year選擇了進階數學課程。

He chose advanced math courses in his junior year.

例句 3:

Junior Year的成績對未來的學業非常關鍵。

Grades in junior year are crucial for future studies.

3:Year 11


在一些國家的教育系統中,例如英國和澳洲,11年級通常被稱為Year 11。這一年是學生在完成中學教育之前的最後兩年之一,通常會參加一些重要的考試。學生在這一年會專注於選擇的科目,並為即將到來的考試做準備。


例句 1:

我在Year 11選擇了文學和歷史作為我的科目。

I chose literature and history as my subjects in year 11.

例句 2:

Year 11的考試將決定我能否升學。

The exams in year 11 will determine if I can advance.

例句 3:

Year 11,我參加了一個科學研究項目。

In year 11, I participated in a science research project.

4:11th Form


在一些教育體系中,11年級被稱為11th Form,這通常是高中階段的一部分。在這一年,學生會準備各種考試,並考慮未來的學業和職業方向。這個階段的學習對於學生的發展至關重要。


例句 1:

11th Form,我的數學和科學成績特別重要。

In 11th form, my math and science grades are particularly important.

例句 2:

她在11th Form的表現讓她有機會進入名校。

Her performance in 11th form gave her the chance to enter a prestigious school.

例句 3:

11th Form的課程設計旨在幫助學生為大學做準備。

The curriculum in 11th form is designed to help students prepare for university.