例句 1:
I was born in the year 1985.
例句 2:
This book describes the history of the 19th century.
例句 3:
We plan to hold a large event in the year 2025.
表示公元的縮寫,通常用於標記基督教曆法中的年份。A.D.(拉丁語:Anno Domini)意為「主的年份」,用於指代耶穌基督誕生後的年份。在歷史文獻中,A.D.常用來標示事件發生的具體年份,幫助讀者了解時間背景。
例句 1:
這座教堂建於A.D. 500年。
This church was built in A.D. 500.
例句 2:
A.D. 1000年是中世紀的一個重要時期。
The year A.D. 1000 was an important period in the Middle Ages.
例句 3:
許多歷史事件都發生在A.D. 200年左右。
Many historical events occurred around A.D. 200.
例句 1:
在Anno Domini 589年,隋朝的建立改變了中國的歷史。
In Anno Domini 589, the establishment of the Sui Dynasty changed Chinese history.
例句 2:
許多歷史事件都以Anno Domini的方式標記年份。
Many historical events are marked with the Anno Domini system.
例句 3:
Anno Domini的使用幫助我們理解時間的流逝。
The use of Anno Domini helps us understand the passage of time.