例句 1:
Fanny 是我最好的朋友,我們從小一起長大。
Fanny is my best friend; we grew up together.
例句 2:
她的名字是 Fanny,聽起來非常可愛。
Her name is Fanny, and it sounds very cute.
例句 3:
在這部小說中,Fanny 是一位勇敢的女主角。
In this novel, Fanny is a brave heroine.
例句 1:
他跌倒時摔到了他的 Fanny。
He fell and landed on his bottom.
例句 2:
她穿著一條裙子,讓她的 Fanny 看起來很好。
She wore a dress that made her bottom look great.
例句 3:
小孩們總是喜歡在草地上坐著,讓他們的 Fanny 都髒了。
Kids always love sitting on the grass, getting their bottoms dirty.
例句 1:
醫生檢查了病人的 rear,以確保沒有任何問題。
The doctor examined the patient's rear to ensure there were no issues.
例句 2:
這種運動可以幫助強化你的 rear。
This exercise can help strengthen your rear.
例句 3:
他坐在椅子上,感覺到他的 rear 開始疼痛。
He sat in the chair and felt his rear starting to hurt.