例句 1:
B.C. 111 is an important year in Chinese history.
例句 2:
In B.C. 111, the Roman Empire was expanding.
例句 3:
Many historical events occurred in B.C. 111.
例句 1:
111 B.C. 是許多古文明發展的重要時期。
111 B.C. was a crucial period for many ancient civilizations.
例句 2:
在111 B.C.,亞歷山大大帝的影響力仍在持續。
In 111 B.C., the influence of Alexander the Great was still felt.
例句 3:
111 B.C.的歷史事件對後來的世代有深遠的影響。
The historical events of 111 B.C. had a profound impact on later generations.
例句 1:
在111 Before Christ,許多文化正在蓬勃發展。
In 111 Before Christ, many cultures were thriving.
例句 2:
111 Before Christ的事件對歷史有重要的影響。
The events of 111 Before Christ had significant historical implications.
例句 3:
我們可以從111 Before Christ的記錄中學習到許多。
We can learn a lot from the records of 111 Before Christ.