「Fluff」這個詞在中文中通常指的是輕柔的物質,像是羽毛、棉花或其他柔軟的材料。它也可以用來形容某些事物的輕鬆或不重要的特質。在某些語境中,fluff 也可以指在寫作或表達中添加的無實質內容的部分,通常是為了增加字數或使內容看起來更豐富。
例句 1:
This pillow has a lot of soft fluff, making it feel like sleeping on a cloud.
例句 2:
這篇文章的內容太多 fluff,缺乏實質的資訊。
This article has too much fluff and lacks substantial information.
例句 3:
There is some fluff on her clothes, making them look a bit unkempt.
用來描述添加到文本或內容中的額外部分,通常是為了增加字數或使內容看起來更豐富。在寫作中,padding 可能是無意義的句子或段落,並不增進主題的理解。
例句 1:
這篇報告的 padding 部分讓人分心,應該刪掉。
The padding in this report is distracting and should be removed.
例句 2:
他在演講中使用了很多 padding,讓主題變得不夠集中。
He used a lot of padding in his speech, making the topic less focused.
例句 3:
Some chapters of this book seem to be just padding without substantial content.
例句 1:
這部電影有很多 filler 場景,讓情節拖延。
This movie has a lot of filler scenes that drag the plot.
例句 2:
他在演講中加了很多 filler,讓內容顯得冗長。
He added a lot of filler in his presentation, making it seem lengthy.
例句 3:
這篇文章的 filler 讓我失去興趣。
The filler in this article made me lose interest.
例句 1:
The lightness of this garment makes it very comfortable to wear in summer.
例句 2:
Her dance displayed a sense of lightness and grace.
例句 3:
The melody of this song is upbeat and filled with a sense of lightness.