例句 1:
In this game, the time flute allows you to go back to the past.
例句 2:
The protagonist discovers a mysterious time flute that can change his life.
例句 3:
The sound of the time flute evokes the passage of time.
例句 1:
他用chrono flute演奏的旋律讓人感到時光倒流。
The melody played on the chrono flute makes one feel like time is reversing.
例句 2:
在這部小說中,chrono flute是主角的關鍵武器。
In this novel, the chrono flute is the protagonist's key weapon.
例句 3:
傳說中,chrono flute的音樂可以改變歷史。
Legend has it that the music of the chrono flute can change history.
例句 1:
她在冒險中獲得了一把temporal flute,能夠讓她暫停時間。
She acquired a temporal flute during her adventure that allows her to pause time.
例句 2:
這把temporal flute的旋律能夠讓人回憶過去的美好時光。
The melody of the temporal flute can evoke beautiful memories from the past.
例句 3:
使用temporal flute需要謹慎,因為時間的力量不可小覷。
Using the temporal flute requires caution, as the power of time should not be underestimated.
例句 1:
在故事中,magic flute可以召喚自然的力量。
In the story, the magic flute can summon the forces of nature.
例句 2:
她的magic flute能夠治癒受傷的生物。
Her magic flute has the ability to heal injured creatures.
例句 3:
這部音樂劇中,magic flute是主角的主要道具。
In this musical, the magic flute is the main prop of the protagonist.