



  1. A common boy's name.
  2. A name that many people have.
  3. A name often used in stories.
  4. A name that can be a short form of another name.
  5. A popular name in English-speaking countries.
  6. A name with historical significance and various cultural references.
  7. A name that may represent various characters in media.
  8. A name that can symbolize bravery or uniqueness.
  9. A name that has been used in literature and popular culture.
  10. A name that carries connotations of valor and individuality.




這是一個更正式的名字,通常被縮短為 Archie。這個名字的起源與歷史有關,常見於英國和其他英語國家。它的含義與勇敢和真實有關,並且在一些文化中被認為是一個傳統的名字。


例句 1:

Archibald 是一個古老的名字,通常會被叫作 Archie

Archibald is an old name that is often shortened to Archie.

例句 2:

他的全名是 Archibald,但大家都叫他 Archie

His full name is Archibald, but everyone calls him Archie.

例句 3:


This name has many famous historical figures.

2:Archie Comics


這是一個著名的漫畫系列,圍繞著一群青少年的生活和冒險。Archie 是這個系列的主角之一,通常與他的朋友們一起展開各種搞笑和浪漫的故事。這個漫畫自 1941 年以來一直受到讀者的喜愛,並且衍生出多部電視劇和電影。


例句 1:

我從小就喜歡讀 Archie Comics。

I've loved reading Archie Comics since I was a kid.

例句 2:

Archie Comics 裡的角色總是讓人捧腹大笑。

The characters in Archie Comics always make me laugh.

例句 3:

這部新的電視劇改編自 Archie Comics,受到了廣泛的關注。

The new TV series is adapted from Archie Comics and has received wide attention.

3:Archie Bunker


這是一個著名的電視角色,出自於美國的情景喜劇《All in the Family》。這個角色常常以其幽默的方式探討社會議題,成為了美國文化中的經典人物。Archie Bunker 的形象代表了一種特定的社會觀點和價值觀,並在許多討論中被提及。


例句 1:

Archie Bunker 是一個經典的電視角色,代表了那個時代的許多社會觀點。

Archie Bunker is a classic TV character representing many social views of that era.

例句 2:

這部劇中,Archie Bunker 的角色引發了許多爭議。

In the show, Archie Bunker's character sparked much controversy.

例句 3:

許多觀眾都喜歡 Archie Bunker 的幽默風格。

Many viewers enjoyed Archie Bunker's humorous style.

4:Archie Andrews


這是 Archie Comics 中的主角之一,代表著青春、愛情和友誼的冒險。Archie Andrews 的故事通常圍繞著他與朋友們的生活,尤其是他在兩位女孩之間的情感糾葛。這個角色象徵著年輕人的生活挑戰和成長。


例句 1:

Archie Andrews 是一個充滿活力的角色,經常面臨情感的挑戰。

Archie Andrews is a vibrant character who often faces emotional challenges.

例句 2:

Archie Comics 中,Archie Andrews 總是試圖平衡他的愛情生活。

In Archie Comics, Archie Andrews is always trying to balance his love life.

例句 3:


The adventures of this character attract readers of all ages.