這是一個使用非基督教的紀年方式來標示時間,通常在學術和歷史研究中使用,特別是在討論古代歷史時。BCE 代表「公元前」,以更中立的方式描述時間。
例句 1:
在BCE 518年,波斯帝國正在擴張。
In BCE 518, the Persian Empire was expanding.
例句 2:
學者們研究BCE 518年的事件,以了解當時的社會結構。
Scholars study events from BCE 518 to understand the social structure of that time.
例句 3:
BCE 518年是許多古代文明發展的重要時期。
BCE 518 was an important period for the development of many ancient civilizations.
例句 1:
在Before Common Era 518年,許多文化正在形成。
In Before Common Era 518, many cultures were forming.
例句 2:
歷史學家回顧Before Common Era 518年的事件。
Historians review events from Before Common Era 518.
例句 3:
Before Common Era 518年是古代歷史研究的重要參考點。
Before Common Era 518 is an important reference point in ancient historical studies.
例句 1:
518 Before Christ的事件對後來的歷史有深遠的影響。
Events in 518 Before Christ had a profound impact on later history.
例句 2:
518 Before Christ年被認為是古代希臘文化的重要時期。
The year 518 Before Christ is considered an important time for ancient Greek culture.
例句 3:
在518 Before Christ,許多古代文明都在興起。
In 518 Before Christ, many ancient civilizations were on the rise.
例句 1:
518 BC的歷史事件對於理解古代社會是關鍵的。
Historical events in 518 BC are crucial for understanding ancient societies.
例句 2:
許多學者專注於518 BC的考古發現。
Many scholars focus on archaeological findings from 518 BC.
例句 3:
518 BC的文化背景對後世影響深遠。
The cultural background of 518 BC had a lasting impact on future generations.