「Cisco」是一家全球知名的科技公司,專注於網絡硬件、軟件及通訊技術的開發和製造。它的產品包括路由器、交換機、防火牆和其他網絡設備。Cisco 也提供雲端計算、網絡安全及協作解決方案。這家公司成立於1984年,總部位於美國加州的聖荷西,是網絡技術領域的領導者之一。
例句 1:
Cisco Systems在全球擁有眾多的合作夥伴和客戶。
Cisco Systems has numerous partners and clients worldwide.
例句 2:
Cisco Systems的產品在企業網路中非常受歡迎。
Products from Cisco Systems are very popular in enterprise networks.
例句 3:
Cisco Systems的創新技術改變了網路的運作方式。
The innovative technologies from Cisco Systems have changed the way networks operate.
例句 1:
Cisco Networking的解決方案可以幫助企業提升網路效率。
Cisco Networking solutions can help businesses enhance network efficiency.
例句 2:
許多IT專業人士都選擇Cisco Networking作為他們的技術基礎。
Many IT professionals choose Cisco Networking as their technological foundation.
例句 3:
Cisco Networking的培訓課程吸引了大量學員參加。
Cisco Networking training courses attract a large number of participants.
例句 1:
Cisco Technologies在網路安全方面的創新受到廣泛讚譽。
Cisco Technologies' innovations in network security are widely praised.
例句 2:
許多企業依賴Cisco Technologies來保護他們的數據。
Many businesses rely on Cisco Technologies to protect their data.
例句 3:
Cisco Technologies的產品組合不斷擴展,以滿足市場需求。
The product portfolio of Cisco Technologies continues to expand to meet market demands.
例句 1:
我們的辦公室使用Cisco Equipment來確保穩定的網路連接。
Our office uses Cisco Equipment to ensure a stable network connection.
例句 2:
Cisco Equipment的可靠性使其成為許多企業的首選。
The reliability of Cisco Equipment makes it the preferred choice for many businesses.
例句 3:
安裝Cisco Equipment後,網路速度明顯提升。
After installing Cisco Equipment, the network speed has significantly improved.