



  1. A female name of Hebrew origin.
  2. A name commonly used in Jewish culture.
  3. A biblical name associated with a matriarch.
  4. A name that represents a significant figure in religious texts.
  5. A historic name linked to family and heritage.
  6. A name that embodies qualities of strength and kindness.
  7. A traditional name with deep cultural and religious significance.
  8. A name that has been passed down through generations in certain communities.
  9. A name that carries historical weight and is often associated with familial lineage.
  10. A name that reflects cultural identity and historical narratives.




Rebecca 是 Rivka 的英文翻譯,這個名字在英語國家中非常常見,並且有著相似的文化和宗教背景。Rebecca 這個名字在基督教和猶太教的傳統中都佔有一席之地,通常與美德、智慧和忠誠相聯繫。


例句 1:

Rebecca 是一位非常有才華的藝術家。

Rebecca is a very talented artist.

例句 2:

在聖經中,Rebecca 是以撒的妻子。

In the Bible, Rebecca is the wife of Isaac.

例句 3:

她的名字是 Rebecca,意義深遠且富有歷史。

Her name is Rebecca, which is profound and rich in history.