

「最高次項」是數學和代數中的一個術語,特別是在多項式的上下文中。它指的是多項式中變數的最高次方所對應的項,通常用來描述多項式的主要特徵、形狀和行為。最高次項的係數也被稱為 leading coefficient,這個項的存在決定了多項式的度數和圖形的趨勢。


  1. The term for the biggest power in a math expression.
  2. The part of a math expression that has the highest exponent.
  3. The term that shows the most important degree in an equation.
  4. The term with the largest exponent in a polynomial.
  5. The term that represents the highest degree in a mathematical expression.
  6. The term that indicates the highest power of a variable in a polynomial.
  7. The leading term in a polynomial that determines its degree.
  8. The term with the greatest exponent that influences the behavior of the polynomial.
  9. The term that signifies the dominant degree in a polynomial function.
  10. The term representing the highest degree of a variable in a polynomial equation.


1:Leading term


在多項式中,最高次項通常被稱為 leading term。這是因為它在多項式的結構中起著主導作用,對於多項式的圖形和行為有著重要的影響。它的係數和變數的次方決定了多項式的主要特徵,特別是在 x 值趨向無限時的行為。


例句 1:

這個多項式的最高次項是 3x^4,這意味著它的 leading term 是 3x^4。

The leading term of this polynomial is 3x^4, which indicates its highest degree.

例句 2:


When analyzing a polynomial, the coefficient of the leading term greatly affects the shape of the graph.

例句 3:

為了確定多項式的行為,我們需要找出它的 leading term

To determine the behavior of the polynomial, we need to identify its leading term.

2:Highest degree term




例句 1:

這個多項式的最高次項是 2x^3,這表明它的最高次方是三。

The highest degree term of this polynomial is 2x^3, indicating that its highest power is three.

例句 2:


When performing polynomial long division, the highest degree term is the most important consideration.

例句 3:


We can simplify the calculations of this polynomial by identifying the highest degree term.

3:Dominant term


在多項式中,最高次項也可以被稱為 dominant term,因為它對多項式的行為起著主導作用。當我們考慮多項式在無窮大或無窮小的行為時,dominant term 是最關鍵的部分。它的存在決定了多項式的增長率以及圖形的趨勢。


例句 1:

在這個多項式中,dominant term 是 x^5,這會影響它的增長速度。

In this polynomial, the dominant term is x^5, which will affect its growth rate.

例句 2:

當 x 趨向於無窮大時,dominant term 將主導多項式的行為。

As x approaches infinity, the dominant term will dictate the behavior of the polynomial.

例句 3:

為了分析多項式的長期行為,我們應該專注於它的 dominant term

To analyze the long-term behavior of the polynomial, we should focus on its dominant term.