例句 1:
In the year 627 AD, Muhammad engaged in significant battles with his enemies in Mecca.
例句 2:
The year 627 AD marked a prosperous time in the Tang Dynasty.
例句 3:
In the year 627 AD, the political landscape in Europe was also changing.
這是公元627年的一種稱呼方式,CE代表「Common Era」,這個標記在學術界和中立環境中較為常用。
例句 1:
627 CE 這一年,許多文化和文明都在發展。
In 627 CE, many cultures and civilizations were developing.
例句 2:
627 CE 是歷史上重要的轉折點之一。
The year 627 CE is one of the significant turning points in history.
例句 3:
在627 CE,亞洲的貿易路線變得更加繁榮。
In 627 CE, trade routes in Asia became more prosperous.
例句 1:
When discussing Chinese history, the year 627 is often mentioned.
例句 2:
Historians have conducted in-depth studies on the events of the year 627.
例句 3:
The year 627 serves as the backdrop for many important events.
例句 1:
627 in the Common Era 是了解早期中世紀歷史的關鍵年份。
The year 627 in the Common Era is a key year for understanding early medieval history.
例句 2:
在627 in the Common Era,許多文化交融的現象開始出現。
In 627 in the Common Era, many cultural exchange phenomena began to emerge.
例句 3:
627 in the Common Era 是許多歷史事件的轉折點。
The year 627 in the Common Era is a turning point for many historical events.