

「Patrick's」通常用來表示屬於某個名叫 Patrick 的人的東西。這個詞在中文裡可以理解為「帕特里克的」,是英語中一種所有格形式。


  1. Something that belongs to Patrick.
  2. A place or thing that is owned by Patrick.
  3. An item that is associated with a person named Patrick.
  4. A name followed by an apostrophe indicating possession.
  5. Used to show that something is related to a person named Patrick.
  6. The possessive form indicating ownership by someone named Patrick.
  7. A way to refer to belongings or attributes of a person named Patrick.
  8. A grammatical structure used to denote that something is owned or associated with a specific individual named Patrick.
  9. An indication of possession in English grammar, specifically related to the name Patrick.
  10. A form used to express that something is the property or characteristic of someone named Patrick.


1:Patrick's (as in ownership)


用來表示某物屬於名叫 Patrick 的人,通常在口語或書面語中使用。這種形式常見於人名後面加上撇號和 s,表示所有權或關聯。


例句 1:

這是 Patrick 的書。

This is Patrick's book.

例句 2:

我們在 Patrick 的派對上玩得很開心。

We had a great time at Patrick's party.

例句 3:

我看到 Patrick 的狗在公園裡。

I saw Patrick's dog in the park.

2:belonging to Patrick




例句 1:

這是屬於 Patrick 的玩具。

This is a toy belonging to Patrick.

例句 2:

這些文件是屬於 Patrick 的。

These documents belong to Patrick.

例句 3:

我找到了一些屬於 Patrick 的東西。

I found some items belonging to Patrick.

3:associated with Patrick


用於描述某物與名叫 Patrick 的人有關聯或連結,這種表達方式通常用於更正式的場合或學術討論中。


例句 1:

這個項目與 Patrick 有關。

This project is associated with Patrick.

例句 2:

這些研究結果與 Patrick 的工作有關。

These findings are associated with Patrick's work.

例句 3:

這個問題與 Patrick 的經驗有關。

This issue is associated with Patrick's experience.