「乳木樹」是指一種名為「乳木果樹」的植物,學名為 Vitellaria paradoxa。這種樹木主要生長在非洲的熱帶地區,特別是在西非。乳木樹的果實內含有豐富的脂肪,可以提煉出乳木果油,這種油在護膚品和食品中廣泛使用。乳木樹不僅對於當地的經濟有重要貢獻,還能改善土壤質量和防止水土流失。
例句 1:
The fruit of the shea tree can be used to make skincare products.
例句 2:
She uses a moisturizer that contains shea butter.
例句 3:
The shea tree plays an important role in the economy of West Africa.
例句 1:
Karite 樹的油在法國的美容產品中非常受歡迎。
Karite tree oil is very popular in beauty products in France.
例句 2:
The fruit of this tree is rich in nutrients and beneficial for the skin.
例句 3:
Karite 樹的保護措施對於維持當地生態系統至關重要。
The conservation of the karite tree is crucial for maintaining the local ecosystem.
例句 1:
Vitellaria paradoxa 是乳木樹的學名。
Vitellaria paradoxa is the scientific name for the shea tree.
例句 2:
在植物學課程中,我們學習了 Vitellaria 的特性。
In botany class, we studied the characteristics of Vitellaria.
例句 3:
Vitellaria 樹木的生態功能不容忽視。
The ecological functions of Vitellaria trees should not be overlooked.
例句 1:
Butyrospermum 的果實可以提煉出高品質的油。
The fruit of Butyrospermum can be processed to extract high-quality oil.
例句 2:
在農業研究中,Butyrospermum 的生長條件是重要的研究主題。
In agricultural studies, the growing conditions of Butyrospermum are an important research topic.
例句 3:
Butyrospermum 的經濟價值在於其油脂的用途。
The economic value of Butyrospermum lies in the uses of its fats.