例句 1:
The year 705 is an important year in the Tang Dynasty.
例句 2:
Many significant events occurred in the year 705.
例句 3:
We are studying the historical context of the year 705.
例句 1:
705 AD 被認為是文化和政治變革的一個重要時期。
705 AD is considered an important period of cultural and political change.
例句 2:
在705 AD,唐朝的文學達到了高峰。
In 705 AD, the literature of the Tang Dynasty reached its peak.
例句 3:
705 AD 是亞洲歷史上許多重大事件的見證。
705 AD witnessed many significant events in Asian history.
CE 代表公元(Common Era),是一種現代的表達方式,與 AD 同義,常用於非宗教背景下的歷史討論。這種用法更具包容性,適合於不同文化和宗教的背景。
例句 1:
705 CE 標誌著唐朝的繁榮時期。
705 CE marks the prosperous period of the Tang Dynasty.
例句 2:
在705 CE,許多重要的發明和藝術作品出現。
Many important inventions and artworks emerged in 705 CE.
例句 3:
705 CE 在世界歷史中具有重要的意義。
705 CE holds significant importance in world history.