例句 1:
The Andromeda Galaxy is our closest neighbor, located about 2.5 million light-years away.
例句 2:
Astronomers' studies of the Andromeda Galaxy have revealed much about galaxy formation.
例句 3:
On a clear night, you can see the Andromeda Galaxy with the naked eye.
例句 1:
M31 is the closest large galaxy to our Milky Way.
例句 2:
Astronomers often refer to M31 when studying galaxies.
例句 3:
The structure and composition of M31 are crucial for understanding galaxy evolution.
例句 1:
Messier 31是天文學家研究的熱點之一。
Messier 31 is one of the hotspots of research for astronomers.
例句 2:
在觀測星系時,Messier 31提供了重要的數據。
Messier 31 provides important data when observing galaxies.
例句 3:
許多天文學家對Messier 31的動態特性進行了深入研究。
Many astronomers have conducted in-depth studies on the dynamic properties of Messier 31.
這是仙女座銀河在新通用星表中的編號,這個編號系統是由天文學家於20世紀建立的。NGC 224是天文學上對仙女座銀河的另一種標識,常用於專業研究中。
例句 1:
NGC 224是仙女座銀河的正式編號。
NGC 224 is the official designation for the Andromeda Galaxy.
例句 2:
在進行星系觀測時,天文學家會使用NGC 224這個名稱。
Astronomers use the name NGC 224 when conducting galaxy observations.
例句 3:
NGC 224的觀測資料對於理解宇宙的結構非常重要。
Observational data of NGC 224 is crucial for understanding the structure of the universe.