

「CBD」是「大麻二酚」(Cannabidiol)的縮寫,是大麻植物中的一種化合物。與另一種著名的化合物 THC(四氫大麻酚)不同,CBD 不具有精神活性,不會引起使用者的「嗨」感。CBD 被認為具有多種潛在的健康益處,包括減輕焦慮、緩解疼痛、改善睡眠質量等。隨著對其研究的增加,CBD 在健康和美容產品中的應用也日益普及。


  1. A substance from a plant that can help with health.
  2. A part of a plant that is used for wellness.
  3. A compound found in a plant that may help people feel better.
  4. A non-psychoactive compound used for various health benefits.
  5. A natural compound that is often used for its therapeutic properties.
  6. A cannabinoid derived from a plant, known for its potential therapeutic effects.
  7. A phytocannabinoid utilized in wellness products for its health-promoting properties.
  8. A non-intoxicating cannabinoid recognized for its potential to alleviate various health conditions.
  9. A major cannabinoid in cannabis that is being studied for its therapeutic potential without psychoactive effects.
  10. A non-psychoactive compound from the cannabis plant, widely researched for its health benefits.




這是 CBD 的全名,通常用於科學和醫學文獻中。Cannabidiol 是大麻植物中的一種主要化合物,具有多種潛在的健康效益。它在許多國家被合法化並廣泛用於製作各類產品,如油、膠囊、飲料等。


例句 1:

Cannabidiol 在減輕焦慮方面顯示出積極的效果。

Cannabidiol shows positive effects in reducing anxiety.

例句 2:

許多研究都在探索 cannabidiol 對慢性疼痛的潛在好處。

Many studies are exploring the potential benefits of cannabidiol for chronic pain.

例句 3:

他開始使用含有 cannabidiol 的產品來改善睡眠質量。

He started using products containing cannabidiol to improve his sleep quality.

2:Hemp extract


這是從工業大麻提取的產品,通常包含 CBD 和其他大麻素。Hemp extract 被認為是健康補充品,並且在許多國家合法。它可以用於製作油、膠囊、食物等,並且常見於健康和美容產品中。


例句 1:

這款產品含有高濃度的 hemp extract,對皮膚有良好的滋養效果。

This product contains a high concentration of hemp extract, which is beneficial for the skin.

例句 2:

Hemp extract 在市場上變得越來越受歡迎,因為人們尋求天然的健康解決方案。

Hemp extract is becoming increasingly popular in the market as people seek natural health solutions.

例句 3:

他每天服用 hemp extract 以幫助減輕壓力。

He takes hemp extract daily to help relieve stress.

3:Natural remedy


指利用自然界中的成分來促進健康或治療症狀的產品或方法。CBD 被許多人視為一種天然療法,尤其是在處理焦慮、疼痛和失眠等問題時。


例句 1:

許多人開始將 CBD 視為一種天然療法來對抗焦慮。

Many people are starting to see CBD as a natural remedy for anxiety.

例句 2:


This natural remedy has received positive feedback in alleviating chronic pain.

例句 3:

她選擇使用 CBD 作為她的天然療法之一。

She chose to use CBD as one of her natural remedies.

4:Therapeutic compound


這是指具有治療特性的化合物,常用於醫療和健康產品中。CBD 被認為是一種具有潛在療效的化合物,並且在許多研究中被探索其對健康的益處。


例句 1:

這種 therapeutic compound 被認為能幫助改善心理健康。

This therapeutic compound is believed to help improve mental health.

例句 2:

研究人員正在研究這種 therapeutic compound 的各種應用。

Researchers are studying various applications of this therapeutic compound.

例句 3:

許多產品中都添加了這種 therapeutic compound 以提高其效果。

Many products include this therapeutic compound to enhance their effects.