COOCH3 是化學中一種功能團的表示,具體來說是乙酸甲酯(Methyl Acetate)的結構式之一。這個化合物由一個碳氧雙鍵(C=O)和一個甲基(-CH3)組成,並且是酯類化合物的一種。它通常用作溶劑、香料和化學合成中的中間體。
例句 1:
Methyl acetate 是一種常用的溶劑,特別是在油漆和清潔劑中。
Methyl acetate is a common solvent, especially in paints and cleaners.
例句 2:
在實驗室裡,我們使用 methyl acetate 來溶解各種化合物。
In the lab, we use methyl acetate to dissolve various compounds.
例句 3:
The volatility of this compound makes it an ideal component in cleaners.
這是另一種描述COOCH3的方式,強調它是由醋酸(acetic acid)與甲醇(methanol)反應生成的酯。這種名稱在學術和工業文獻中也很常見,特別是在化學合成的上下文中。
例句 1:
Acetic acid methyl ester 是許多化學合成反應中的重要中間體。
Acetic acid methyl ester is an important intermediate in many chemical synthesis reactions.
例句 2:
The preparation of this ester typically involves the esterification reaction of acetic acid and methanol.
例句 3:
In organic chemistry, this ester is often used to produce other compounds.
這是另一個化學名稱,特別是在一些地區的化學文獻中使用。它強調了這種化合物的來源,即由乙酸(ethanoic acid)生成的酯。
例句 1:
Ethanoate of methyl 是一種在許多化學工藝中使用的化合物。
Ethanoate of methyl is a compound used in many chemical processes.
例句 2:
The properties of this compound make it very valuable in industrial applications.
例句 3:
在某些反應中,ethanoate of methyl 可以作為反應物。
In certain reactions, ethanoate of methyl can serve as a reactant.
例句 1:
Methoxyacetic acid 在有機合成中具有重要的應用價值。
Methoxyacetic acid has significant applications in organic synthesis.
例句 2:
The reactivity of this compound makes it an ideal choice for synthesizing other compounds.
例句 3:
在製藥工業中,methoxyacetic acid 被用作中間體。
In the pharmaceutical industry, methoxyacetic acid is used as an intermediate.