

「Canistel」是一種熱帶水果,學名為 Pouteria campechiana,屬於無患子科。這種水果的外觀通常呈橙色或黃色,果肉柔軟,味道甜美,常被形容為類似於熟透的南瓜或蛋奶的口感。它主要生長在中美洲和南美洲,尤其是在墨西哥和巴西等地。Canistel 也被稱為「蛋果」,因為其果肉的質地和味道有點像蛋黃。


  1. A sweet fruit that grows in warm areas.
  2. A yellow fruit that is soft inside.
  3. A tropical fruit that tastes like a dessert.
  4. A fruit that has a creamy texture and is often used in recipes.
  5. A fruit that is commonly found in Central and South America.
  6. A tropical fruit known for its custard-like consistency and sweet flavor.
  7. A fruit that is rich in nutrients and can be used in various culinary applications.
  8. A tropical delicacy that is enjoyed for its unique flavor and texture.
  9. A fruit that is often incorporated into desserts or smoothies due to its creamy nature.
  10. A fruit with a rich, sweet flavor and a texture reminiscent of custard.


1:Egg fruit


這是一個常用於描述 canistel 的名稱,因為其果肉的顏色和質地讓人聯想到熟蛋黃。蛋果的味道甜美,通常用於製作甜點或果汁。


例句 1:


I love eating egg fruit for breakfast because it tastes so good.

例句 2:


Egg fruit can be used to make smoothies, and it has a creamy texture.

例句 3:


The egg fruit dessert at this restaurant is very popular.

2:Pouteria campechiana


這是 canistel 的學名,通常在科學或農業的文獻中使用。了解這個名稱對於學術研究或農業實踐非常重要,因為它有助於識別這種水果的特性和栽培需求。


例句 1:

Pouteria campechiana 在熱帶地區的生長條件非常適合。

Pouteria campechiana grows very well in tropical conditions.

例句 2:

許多農民開始種植 Pouteria campechiana 以滿足市場需求。

Many farmers are starting to cultivate Pouteria campechiana to meet market demand.

例句 3:

研究顯示 Pouteria campechiana 的果實富含維生素和礦物質。

Studies show that Pouteria campechiana fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals.