

「indicas」這個詞在中文中通常指的是一種植物,特別是大麻的一個品種。它主要用於醫療或娛樂用途,並且與另一種品種「sativas」相對。這些植物的特徵包括較矮的生長高度、較寬的葉子和較高的樹脂產量。大麻 indica 通常被認為具有鎮靜效果,常用於舒緩焦慮、疼痛和其他健康問題。


  1. A type of plant used for relaxation.
  2. A plant that can help with sleep.
  3. A plant known for its calming effects.
  4. A variety of a certain plant that helps with stress.
  5. A type of plant that is often used for its soothing properties.
  6. A strain of a plant that is recognized for its sedative effects.
  7. A botanical variety that is often used in therapeutic contexts.
  8. A subspecies of a plant utilized for its medicinal and recreational benefits.
  9. A classification of a plant known for its high resin content and relaxing effects.
  10. A type of plant recognized for its ability to induce relaxation and alleviate discomfort.




用於描述一種大麻植物,通常具有鎮靜和放鬆的效果。這種植物的特性包括較矮的生長形式和較寬的葉子,與另一種大麻品種 sativa 相對。Indica 通常用於醫療用途,幫助緩解疼痛和焦慮,並且在娛樂使用中也受到歡迎。


例句 1:

這種 indicas 大麻的效果非常放鬆。

The effects of this indica cannabis are very relaxing.

例句 2:

很多人喜歡在晚上使用 indicas 來幫助入睡。

Many people like to use indicas at night to help them sleep.

例句 3:

醫生建議她使用 indicas 來緩解慢性疼痛。

The doctor recommended she use indicas to relieve chronic pain.

2:Cannabis Indica


這是對 indicas 的正式名稱,指的是一種特定的植物亞種,通常用於醫療和娛樂目的。Cannabis indica 以其鎮靜特性而聞名,常用於治療焦慮、失眠和其他健康問題。它的生長特性和化學成分使其與其他品種有明顯的區別。


例句 1:

Cannabis indica 常被用來治療焦慮和失眠。

Cannabis indica is often used to treat anxiety and insomnia.

例句 2:

這種植物的特性使得 Cannabis indica 成為受歡迎的選擇。

The characteristics of this plant make Cannabis indica a popular choice.

例句 3:

許多使用者報告了使用 Cannabis indica 後的放鬆效果。

Many users report relaxing effects after using Cannabis indica.