例句 1:
The Neisseria genus includes several pathogens that have significant impacts on public health.
例句 2:
Studying the characteristics of the Neisseria genus helps in developing new antibiotics.
例句 3:
Gonorrhea Neisseria is one of the most well-known members of the Neisseria genus.
例句 1:
Genus Neisseria 包括了多種與人類疾病相關的細菌。
The Genus Neisseria includes various bacteria associated with human diseases.
例句 2:
在微生物學中,Genus Neisseria 是一個重要的研究領域。
In microbiology, Genus Neisseria is an important area of research.
例句 3:
學者們對 Genus Neisseria 的研究有助於理解其致病機制。
Research on Genus Neisseria helps in understanding its pathogenic mechanisms.
例句 1:
Neisseria bacteria 是許多傳染病的病因。
Neisseria bacteria are the causative agents of many infectious diseases.
例句 2:
了解 Neisseria bacteria 的特性對於疾病控制至關重要。
Understanding the characteristics of Neisseria bacteria is crucial for disease control.
例句 3:
許多研究專注於 Neisseria bacteria 的抗藥性問題。
Many studies focus on the antibiotic resistance issues of Neisseria bacteria.