這是一種與 rockfish 相似的魚類,通常指的是生活在海底的魚,特別是在太平洋地區。它們的肉質鮮美,常用於煮湯或燒烤。
例句 1:
This dish uses fresh rock cod.
例句 2:
Rock cod is one of the signature dishes at our restaurant.
例句 3:
The rock cod they sell at the market is very fresh.
這是一種特別在太平洋沿岸地區常見的 rockfish,通常指的是一類具有豐富肉質的魚,適合各種烹飪方式。
例句 1:
Pacific rockfish is very suitable for grilling.
例句 2:
We will have Pacific rockfish for dinner tonight.
例句 3:
Pacific rockfish is very popular at the local fish market.
這是 rockfish 的學名,屬於鱸形目,包含多種不同的魚類,通常在海底的岩石區域活動。
例句 1:
Sebastes 屬的魚類在海洋生態系統中扮演重要角色。
Fish from the Sebastes genus play an important role in marine ecosystems.
例句 2:
科學家們正在研究 Sebastes 的生態行為。
Scientists are studying the ecological behavior of Sebastes.
例句 3:
這種魚屬於 Sebastes,通常在岩石區域捕食。
This fish belongs to the Sebastes genus and usually preys in rocky areas.
這是 rockfish 所屬的科,通常包括許多具有毒刺的魚類。這些魚類通常棲息在海底的岩石和珊瑚礁中。
例句 1:
Scorpaenidae 科的魚類在海洋中非常多樣化。
Fish from the Scorpaenidae family are very diverse in the ocean.
例句 2:
許多 Scorpaenidae 的魚類在潛水時都可以被觀察到。
Many Scorpaenidae fish can be observed while diving.
例句 3:
The physical characteristics of these fish allow them to camouflage well among the rocks.