BCE是「Before Common Era」的縮寫,與公元前相同,用於標示公元紀年之前的年份,特別是在學術和歷史文獻中。這個術語旨在提供一個更中立的時間標示方式,不帶有宗教色彩。
例句 1:
這場戰爭發生在公元前195年,也就是BCE 195。
The war took place in 195 BCE.
例句 2:
Many historical events occurred during the BCE period.
例句 3:
The use of BCE makes historical records more neutral.
例句 1:
公元前195年在Before Common Era中也表示為195 BCE。
The year 195 before Christ is also represented as 195 in the Before Common Era.
例句 2:
在學術文章中,常使用Before Common Era來表示公元前的年份。
In academic papers, Before Common Era is often used to denote years before Christ.
例句 3:
這段歷史在Before Common Era的記錄中非常重要。
This period of history is very important in the records of the Before Common Era.
BC是「Before Christ」的縮寫,表示公元前的年份。這個術語在歷史和考古學中被廣泛使用,尤其是涉及古代文明的時期。
例句 1:
公元前195年在歷史上被稱為195 BC。
The year 195 before Christ is referred to as 195 BC in history.
例句 2:
Many events of ancient civilizations occurred during the BC period.
例句 3:
Many important historical figures were born during the BC era.