「蠟梅」這個名稱常用於指代蠟梅屬的某些植物,尤其是指蠟梅(Chimonanthus praecox),這是一種在冬季開花的植物,因其花香而受到喜愛。它的花朵通常是黃色或淡黃色的,並且在寒冷的天氣中綻放,常常用來裝飾庭園或作為切花。
例句 1:
Wintersweet blooms in the cold winter, emitting a charming fragrance.
例句 2:
We planted several wintersweet in our garden, and they look especially beautiful in winter.
例句 3:
Wintersweet flowers are among the most popular winter blooms.
例句 1:
Chimonanthus 是一個包含多種香味植物的屬。
Chimonanthus is a genus that includes various fragrant plants.
例句 2:
在中國,Chimonanthus 被視為冬天的象徵。
In China, Chimonanthus is regarded as a symbol of winter.
例句 3:
許多園藝愛好者喜歡在花園中種植 Chimonanthus。
Many gardening enthusiasts enjoy planting Chimonanthus in their gardens.
例句 1:
Wax plum 是一種冬季開花的植物,花朵香氣四溢。
Wax plum is a winter-blooming plant with fragrant flowers.
例句 2:
她在花市上買了一盆 Wax plum,準備放在家裡。
She bought a pot of wax plum at the flower market to place in her home.
例句 3:
Wax plum 的花朵常用於製作香氛產品。
The flowers of wax plum are often used to make fragrance products.