這些詞通常用來輔助主要的動詞或名詞,幫助表達時態、語氣或情感。例如,在英文中,助動詞如 'is', 'are', 'have' 等都是輔助詞。這些詞在句子中通常不獨立使用,而是與其他詞結合以形成完整的意思。
例句 1:
在這句話中,'是' 是一個輔助詞,幫助表達主語的狀態。
In this sentence, 'is' is an auxiliary word that helps express the state of the subject.
例句 2:
He often uses auxiliary words to strengthen his tone when speaking.
例句 3:
Auxiliary words play an important role in sentences.
例句 1:
In this sentence, function words help connect different parts.
例句 2:
The use of function words can make sentences more fluent.
例句 3:
Learning how to use function words is an important part of language learning.
這些詞通常用來表達語氣、情感或強調,並且在口語中使用頻繁。它們通常不改變句子的基本意思,但會影響聽者對句子的理解或感受。常見的例子包括 '吧', '嗎', '呢' 等。
例句 1:
他在句子中使用了 modal particle '嗎' 來表示疑問。
He used the modal particle 'ma' in the sentence to indicate a question.
例句 2:
這句話的結尾加上 '呢' 讓它聽起來更隨意。
Adding 'ne' at the end of this sentence makes it sound more casual.
例句 3:
了解 modal particles 的使用可以幫助你更好地理解口語。
Understanding the use of modal particles can help you better comprehend spoken language.
例句 1:
她在句子中使用了 supportive particle '了' 來表達過去的動作。
She used the supportive particle 'le' in the sentence to express an action in the past.
例句 2:
這種 supportive particle 的使用可以讓語言更加豐富。
The use of this supportive particle can make the language richer.
例句 3:
他用 supportive particle 來強調自己的觀點。
He used supportive particles to emphasize his point of view.