例句 1:
B.C. 86 was an important year in ancient Roman history.
例句 2:
Many great battles occurred around B.C. 86.
例句 3:
In B.C. 86, many cultures and civilizations were flourishing.
這是一種更簡化的表達方式,與 B.C. 86 意思相同,通常用於非正式的歷史討論或文本中。
例句 1:
在86 B.C.,這個地區的政治局勢非常動盪。
In 86 B.C., the political situation in the region was very turbulent.
例句 2:
許多歷史學家對86 B.C.的事件進行了深入研究。
Many historians have conducted in-depth studies on the events of 86 B.C.
例句 3:
86 B.C.的考古發現為我們提供了許多有趣的資訊。
Archaeological findings from 86 B.C. provide us with a lot of interesting information.
例句 1:
86 Before Christ是古代文明的重要時期。
86 Before Christ is an important period in ancient civilizations.
例句 2:
在86 Before Christ的時候,許多文化正在互相交流。
During 86 Before Christ, many cultures were interacting with each other.
例句 3:
86 Before Christ的歷史事件對後來的發展影響深遠。
The historical events of 86 Before Christ had a profound impact on later developments.
例句 1:
Year 86 B.C.見證了一些重大的政治變革。
Year 86 B.C. witnessed some significant political changes.
例句 2:
在Year 86 B.C.,許多古代文獻開始出現。
In Year 86 B.C., many ancient texts began to emerge.
例句 3:
Year 86 B.C.的事件對後來的歷史有著重要的影響。
The events of Year 86 B.C. had an important influence on later history.