「梨葉樹」是一種落葉喬木,學名為「Pyrus calleryana」,又名「櫻花梨」或「梨樹」。它的葉子呈橢圓形,秋天會變成鮮豔的紅色或黃色,花朵在春天開放,通常是白色的,並且有著香氣。梨葉樹常作為觀賞樹種,廣泛種植於城市公園和街道。它的木材堅硬,常被用來製作家具和工藝品。
例句 1:
在春天,Callery pear樹開滿了白色的花。
In spring, the Callery pear trees are covered in white blossoms.
例句 2:
這些Callery pear樹在秋天變成了美麗的金黃色。
These Callery pear trees turn a beautiful golden yellow in autumn.
例句 3:
許多城市都選擇種植Callery pear樹作為街道樹。
Many cities choose to plant Callery pear trees as street trees.
例句 1:
Bradford pear樹在春天的花朵非常吸引人。
The Bradford pear trees are very attractive with their spring flowers.
例句 2:
這種Bradford pear樹的耐寒性使它成為理想的城市樹種。
The cold tolerance of Bradford pear trees makes them ideal urban trees.
例句 3:
然而,Bradford pear樹的結構問題常常讓人擔憂。
However, the structural issues of Bradford pear trees often raise concerns.
例句 1:
這些ornamental pear樹為公園增添了色彩和美感。
These ornamental pear trees add color and beauty to the park.
例句 2:
在城市中,ornamental pear樹被廣泛用於景觀設計。
In cities, ornamental pear trees are widely used in landscape design.
例句 3:
春天,ornamental pear樹的花朵吸引了許多遊客。
In spring, the flowers of ornamental pear trees attract many visitors.
例句 1:
Pyrus calleryana是一種非常受歡迎的觀賞樹。
Pyrus calleryana is a very popular ornamental tree.
例句 2:
在植物學上,Pyrus calleryana被分類為梨科。
In botany, Pyrus calleryana is classified under the Rosaceae family.
例句 3:
許多研究都集中在Pyrus calleryana的生長特性上。
Many studies focus on the growth characteristics of Pyrus calleryana.