這是一個用於描述公元前的時間標記,特別是在學術和歷史研究中,為了避免宗教偏見,這個詞被廣泛使用。BCE 的使用使得時間的記錄更加中立,適合於多元文化和學術環境。
例句 1:
這場戰爭發生在公元前465年,也就是BCE 465。
The war occurred in 465 BCE.
例句 2:
The rise of many ancient civilizations can be traced back to the BCE period.
例句 3:
Scholars often use BCE to denote historical periods before the common era.
例句 1:
這個古代文物的年代可以追溯到公元前465年,也就是在Before Common Era的時期。
This ancient artifact dates back to 465 Before Common Era.
例句 2:
在Before Common Era的時期,許多文化和文明都在發展。
Many cultures and civilizations were developing during the Before Common Era.
例句 3:
學術界越來越多地使用Before Common Era這個術語來描述歷史事件。
The academic community increasingly uses the term Before Common Era to describe historical events.
例句 1:
這位哲學家的思想在公元前465年,即Before Christ的時期影響深遠。
The philosopher's thoughts had a profound influence in 465 Before Christ.
例句 2:
許多古代文獻都記錄了Before Christ的事件。
Many ancient texts document events from the Before Christ era.
例句 3:
在Before Christ的時期,社會結構和文化有著顯著的變化。
During the Before Christ era, there were significant changes in social structures and culture.
例句 1:
465 BCE is regarded as an ancient year with many significant events.
例句 2:
Among ancient years, 465 BCE was a notable period.
例句 3:
This king holds a place in the records of ancient years, especially in 465 BCE.