「鈹-9」是指鈹元素的一種同位素,鈹的原子序數為4,通常用符號 Be 表示。鈹-9 是鈹的唯一穩定同位素,擁有4個質子和5個中子。鈹在化學上屬於鹼土金屬,具有輕質、高強度的特性,並且在航空航天、核能及電子產品中有廣泛應用。
例句 1:
鈹-9 是用於製造高性能材料的重要元素。
Beryllium-9 is an important element used in the manufacturing of high-performance materials.
例句 2:
在核物理中,鈹-9 的特性被廣泛研究。
In nuclear physics, the properties of Beryllium-9 are widely studied.
例句 3:
鈹-9 的穩定性使其成為許多應用的理想選擇。
The stability of Beryllium-9 makes it an ideal choice for many applications.
例句 1:
在化學方程式中,鈹-9 通常標示為 Be-9。
In chemical equations, Beryllium-9 is often denoted as Be-9.
例句 2:
科學家們在研究 Be-9 的核反應時發現了有趣的現象。
Scientists discovered interesting phenomena while studying the nuclear reactions of Be-9.
例句 3:
Be-9 是核能應用中不可或缺的材料之一。
Be-9 is one of the essential materials in nuclear energy applications.
例句 1:
Stable beryllium isotopes have significant applications in nuclear medicine.
例句 2:
Studying the properties of stable beryllium isotopes helps us understand materials science.
例句 3:
Stable beryllium isotopes are crucial for many engineering applications.