例句 1:
It is about seven kilometers from my house to school.
例句 2:
This trail is seven kilometers long and is suitable for hiking.
例句 3:
He runs seven kilometers every day to stay healthy.
「7 km」是「七公里」的簡寫形式,常用於地圖、指示牌或運動計畫中。這種簡寫形式使得信息更為簡潔明瞭。
例句 1:
這個公園的環形路徑長度是7 km。
The circular path in the park is 7 km long.
例句 2:
我們的馬拉松賽事全長7 km。
Our marathon event has a total length of 7 km.
例句 3:
從這裡到火車站有7 km的距離。
There is a distance of 7 km from here to the train station.
例句 1:
這條路的長度是7 kilometers。
The length of this road is 7 kilometers.
例句 2:
我們的目標是完成7 kilometers的賽跑。
Our goal is to complete a run of 7 kilometers.
例句 3:
這個城市的範圍大約是7 kilometers。
The area of this city is approximately 7 kilometers.