

「綠日」通常指的是美國的搖滾樂隊 Green Day。這支樂隊成立於1986年,以其獨特的音樂風格和社會政治主題的歌詞而聞名。綠日的音樂風格融合了朋克搖滾和流行搖滾,並在1990年代和2000年代初期取得了巨大的商業成功。他們的專輯如《Dookie》和《American Idiot》都受到了廣泛的讚譽。綠日的歌曲經常探討青春、反叛、社會問題和個人情感。


  1. A famous rock band from America.
  2. A band known for their energetic songs.
  3. A group that plays music and has many fans.
  4. A popular band that sings about social issues.
  5. A rock band that became famous in the 1990s.
  6. A punk rock band recognized for their political lyrics.
  7. A band that has influenced modern rock music significantly.
  8. A band that often addresses themes of youth and rebellion in their music.
  9. An influential American band known for their critical social commentary and catchy tunes.
  10. A prominent punk rock band that has shaped the genre's landscape over the decades.


1:Green Day




例句 1:

我很喜歡綠日的音樂,尤其是《Boulevard of Broken Dreams》。

I really enjoy Green Day's music, especially 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams'.

例句 2:


Green Day's influence in the music industry cannot be ignored.

例句 3:

他們的專輯《American Idiot》在全球獲得了巨大的成功。

Their album 'American Idiot' was a huge success worldwide.