「乳木果樹」是一種熱帶和亞熱帶地區的樹木,學名為 Vitellaria paradoxa。它的果實可以提取出乳木果油,這種油具有滋潤和保護皮膚的特性,常用於化妝品和護膚品中。乳木果樹的種子也可以食用,並且在當地文化中有著重要的經濟和社會價值。
例句 1:
The shea tree's fruits can be used to make skincare products.
例句 2:
This tree plays an important role in the economy of West Africa.
例句 3:
The oil from the shea tree is very helpful for dry skin.
例句 1:
Vitellaria paradoxa 是乳木果樹的學名。
Vitellaria paradoxa is the scientific name for the shea tree.
例句 2:
在植物學課程中,我們學習了 Vitellaria 的特性。
In botany class, we learned about the characteristics of Vitellaria.
例句 3:
這種樹屬於 Sapotaceae 科,學名為 Vitellaria。
This tree belongs to the Sapotaceae family, with the scientific name Vitellaria.
例句 1:
Karite tree 是法語中對乳木果樹的稱呼。
Karite tree is the French term for the shea tree.
例句 2:
在一些地區,Karite tree 的果實被用來製作傳統食品。
In some regions, the fruits of the karite tree are used to make traditional foods.
例句 3:
Karite tree 的油在美容產品中非常受歡迎。
The oil from the karite tree is very popular in beauty products.