「康納」這個詞在中文中通常是指一個名字,特別是在英文中對應的名字 'Connor'。這個名字源於愛爾蘭,意指「愛的勇士」或「智慧的勇士」。在一些文化中,這個名字可能與某些著名人物或角色相關聯。
例句 1:
Connor is my best friend, and he always supports me.
例句 2:
In the movie 'Terminator', Connor is a very important character.
例句 3:
I know a boy named Connor, and he is very smart.
例句 1:
Conor 是一位出色的運動員,總是在比賽中表現優異。
Conor is an outstanding athlete who always performs well in competitions.
例句 2:
我的朋友 Conor 喜歡打籃球。
My friend Conor loves to play basketball.
例句 3:
Conor 的家鄉在愛爾蘭,這裡的風景非常美麗。
Conor's hometown is in Ireland, and the scenery is very beautiful.
例句 1:
Konnor 是一個很有創意的名字,讓人印象深刻。
Konnor is a very creative name that leaves an impression.
例句 2:
我在社交媒體上看到一個叫 Konnor 的藝術家,他的作品很棒。
I saw an artist named Konnor on social media, and his work is amazing.
例句 3:
Konnor 喜歡音樂,經常參加各種音樂活動。
Konnor loves music and often attends various music events.
例句 1:
Konnar 是一個不太常見的名字,但聽起來很特別。
Konnar is a less common name, but it sounds unique.
例句 2:
我在網上遇到一個叫 Konnar 的人,他的故事很有趣。
I met someone online named Konnar, and his story is very interesting.
例句 3:
Konnar 在學校的表現非常優秀,老師都很喜歡他。
Konnar performs excellently in school, and the teachers all like him.