例句 1:
Saint Edmund's feast day is celebrated on November 20th each year.
例句 2:
Many churches are named after Saint Edmund.
例句 3:
Saint Edmund is regarded as one of the protectors of England.
例句 1:
Edmund the Martyr的故事激勵了許多信徒。
The story of Edmund the Martyr has inspired many believers.
例句 2:
在中世紀,Edmund the Martyr的崇拜非常普遍。
During the Middle Ages, the veneration of Edmund the Martyr was widespread.
例句 3:
Edmund the Martyr的生平被多部書籍詳細記載。
The life of Edmund the Martyr is detailed in several texts.
例句 1:
King Edmund在位期間面臨許多挑戰。
King Edmund faced many challenges during his reign.
例句 2:
King Edmund的統治被認為是英國歷史上的重要時期。
The reign of King Edmund is considered a significant period in English history.
例句 3:
許多傳說圍繞著King Edmund的勇氣和智慧。
Many legends surround King Edmund's bravery and wisdom.
例句 1:
Edmund of East Anglia的故事在當地流傳甚廣。
The story of Edmund of East Anglia is widely known in the region.
例句 2:
Edmund of East Anglia的遺產在當地文化中仍然存在。
The legacy of Edmund of East Anglia still exists in local culture.
例句 3:
Edmund of East Anglia的崇拜在中世紀時期達到巔峰。
The veneration of Edmund of East Anglia peaked during the medieval period.