例句 1:
In this story, the protagonist embarks on a journey to the Magic Island.
例句 2:
The Magic Island is home to many magical creatures and hidden treasures.
例句 3:
They experienced a series of incredible adventures on the Magic Island.
例句 1:
在傳說中,這個被遺忘的 enchanted island 擁有治癒的力量。
In legend, this forgotten Enchanted Island possesses healing powers.
例句 2:
他們在 enchanted island 上發現了古代的遺跡。
They discovered ancient ruins on the Enchanted Island.
例句 3:
這本書帶領讀者進入一個 enchanted island 的奇幻世界。
This book takes readers into a fantastical world of an Enchanted Island.
例句 1:
他們在這個幻想之旅中來到了 fantasy island。
They arrived at Fantasy Island on their dream journey.
例句 2:
這是一個充滿冒險和驚喜的 fantasy island。
This is a Fantasy Island full of adventures and surprises.
例句 3:
她在 fantasy island 上找到了她一直渴望的生活。
She found the life she had always dreamed of on Fantasy Island.
例句 1:
他們在尋找 mystical island 的過程中,面對了許多挑戰。
They faced many challenges in their quest for the Mystical Island.
例句 2:
在 mystical island 上,時間似乎是靜止的。
Time seems to stand still on the Mystical Island.
例句 3:
這個故事講述了一個關於 mystical island 的古老傳說。
This story tells an ancient legend about a Mystical Island.