例句 1:
If x equals 2, then 5 times x equals 10.
例句 2:
In this problem, we need to calculate the value of 5 times x.
例句 3:
Can you tell me the role of 5 times x in this equation?
例句 1:
In this formula, 5 multiplied by x represents five times a variable.
例句 2:
If you know the value of x, you can easily calculate 5 multiplied by x.
例句 3:
When solving this equation, remember that 5 multiplied by x is a key step.
例句 1:
如果x是3,那麼Five x的值將是15。
If x is 3, then five x will be 15.
例句 2:
在這個情境下,Five x可以用來表示總數。
In this context, five x can represent the total amount.
例句 3:
我們可以將Five x視為一個簡單的乘法運算。
We can think of five x as a simple multiplication operation.
例句 1:
在這個例子中,Five times a variable是我們需要計算的內容。
In this example, five times a variable is what we need to calculate.
例句 2:
了解Five times a variable的概念對於學習代數非常重要。
Understanding the concept of five times a variable is essential for learning algebra.
例句 3:
在這個問題中,Five times a variable可以用來找出未知數。
In this problem, five times a variable can be used to find the unknown.