例句 1:
Plants from the jasmine family are very popular in gardens.
例句 2:
Flowers from the jasmine family are often used to make perfumes.
例句 3:
This plant is a member of the jasmine family and has a delightful fragrance.
這是茉莉花科的拉丁學名,包含了多種植物,包括橄欖樹和茉莉花。Oleaceae 科的植物通常在地中海地區和熱帶地區生長,許多品種不僅有觀賞價值,還有實用價值,比如橄欖油的來源。
例句 1:
Oleaceae 科的植物在地中海地區非常常見。
Plants from the Oleaceae family are very common in the Mediterranean region.
例句 2:
這種植物屬於 Oleaceae 科,並且可以產生美味的果實。
This plant belongs to the Oleaceae family and can produce delicious fruits.
例句 3:
Oleaceae 科的植物通常具有芳香的花朵。
Plants in the Oleaceae family often have fragrant flowers.
例句 1:
Jasminum 屬的植物常用於製作香水。
Plants from the Jasminum genus are often used to make perfumes.
例句 2:
在熱帶地區,Jasminum 是一種受歡迎的觀賞植物。
In tropical regions, Jasminum is a popular ornamental plant.
例句 3:
這種花是 Jasminum 屬的一部分,香氣撲鼻。
This flower is part of the Jasminum genus and has a strong fragrance.
例句 1:
There are many fragrant plants available in the market, and jasmine is one of them.
例句 2:
Fragrant plants play an important role in perfume making.
例句 3:
She loves to plant various fragrant plants in her garden.