

「防曬指數」是指一種衡量防曬產品(如防曬霜)對皮膚抵抗紫外線(UV)傷害能力的指標,通常以 SPF(Sun Protection Factor)來表示。這個指數告訴消費者在使用該產品的情況下,皮膚能夠抵擋紫外線的時間長短。防曬指數越高,表示防曬效果越強,能夠提供更長時間的保護。


  1. A number that shows how well a cream protects your skin from the sun.
  2. A measure of how much sunlight your skin can handle.
  3. A rating that indicates how long you can stay in the sun without getting burned.
  4. A value that estimates the effectiveness of a product against sun damage.
  5. A system that helps you choose the right product for sun protection.
  6. A numerical scale that reflects the level of protection a sunscreen offers against UV rays.
  7. An indicator that quantifies the duration of skin protection provided by a sunscreen formulation.
  8. A standardized measure utilized to evaluate a sunscreen's ability to prevent skin damage from ultraviolet radiation.
  9. A scientifically derived factor that assesses the efficacy of a topical agent in shielding the skin from solar radiation.
  10. A numerical representation of a sunscreen's effectiveness in blocking harmful UV rays.


1:Sun Protection Factor (SPF)




例句 1:

這款防曬霜的防曬指數是 SPF 30,適合日常使用。

This sunscreen has a Sun Protection Factor of SPF 30, suitable for daily use.

例句 2:

如果你要去海灘,建議使用 SPF 50 的防曬霜。

If you are going to the beach, it's recommended to use sunscreen with SPF 50.

例句 3:


When choosing sunscreen, you should consider the Sun Protection Factor.

2:UV Protection Rating


這是一個更廣泛的術語,涵蓋了防曬產品對抗紫外線的能力,可能包括 UVA 和 UVB 的防護。這個評級幫助消費者了解產品的全面防護效果。


例句 1:

這件衣服的 UV 保護評級非常高,適合戶外活動時穿著。

This clothing has a high UV protection rating, making it suitable for outdoor activities.

例句 2:

選擇泳衣時,注意它的 UV 保護評級。

Pay attention to the UV protection rating when choosing swimwear.

例句 3:

防曬產品的 UV 保護評級可以幫助你避免皮膚損傷。

The UV protection rating of sunscreen can help you avoid skin damage.

3:Sunscreen Rating




例句 1:


This sunscreen has a high rating because it not only protects from the sun but also contains skincare ingredients.

例句 2:


It's important to understand the sunscreen rating when selecting a product.

例句 3:


This brand's sunscreen has a good rating in the market.