

「Elisha」是個人名,源自希伯來語,意為「上帝是我的拯救」。在聖經中,Elisha 是以利亞的門徒,擔任先知,並在以色列歷史上扮演重要角色。這個名字在西方和一些其他文化中也被廣泛使用,並且常見於男性名字中。


  1. A male name from the Bible.
  2. A name meaning 'God is my salvation'.
  3. A name of a prophet in the Old Testament.
  4. A biblical figure known for miracles.
  5. A name associated with a significant prophet in religious texts.
  6. A historical and religious figure known for his prophetic role.
  7. A name with deep roots in biblical tradition, often associated with leadership.
  8. A prominent name in religious literature, symbolizing divine assistance.
  9. A figure in the Hebrew Bible known for his prophetic ministry and miraculous deeds.
  10. A biblical name linked to themes of salvation and divine intervention.




這個名字在聖經中有著重要的地位,Elisha 是以利亞的接班人,並且以其行神蹟而聞名。這個名字在現代社會中仍然受到尊重,並且在許多文化中被使用。


例句 1:

Elisha 是一位著名的先知,曾經行過許多神蹟。

Elisha was a famous prophet who performed many miracles.

例句 2:

在聖經中,Elisha 的故事啟發了許多人。

The story of Elisha in the Bible has inspired many.

例句 3:

許多家長選擇 Elisha 這個名字,因為它的宗教意義。

Many parents choose the name Elisha for its religious significance.