

「MDA」通常指的是「多巴胺能藥物」(Methylenedioxymethamphetamine),這是一種合成的興奮劑和致幻劑,常被用於派對和音樂活動中。MDA 也可能指代其他專業術語或組織名稱,具體取決於上下文。


  1. A type of drug that can change how you feel.
  2. A substance that can make you feel excited or happy.
  3. A chemical that affects your mood.
  4. A synthetic compound that can alter perception and mood.
  5. A psychoactive substance often associated with parties.
  6. A psychoactive compound that can induce feelings of euphoria and empathy.
  7. A recreational drug known for its stimulant and hallucinogenic effects.
  8. A substance that can enhance sensory perception and emotional connection.
  9. A compound that acts on the central nervous system, often used in social settings.
  10. A synthetic substance used recreationally for its euphoric and empathogenic effects.




MDMA(3,4-亞甲基二氧基苯基乙胺)是一種受歡迎的娛樂性藥物,經常在派對和音樂活動中使用。它以其促進情感聯結和愉悅感而聞名。MDMA 是一種結構上與 MDA 相關的化合物,並且在效果上有些相似。


例句 1:

許多人在派對上使用 MDMA 來增強他們的體驗。

Many people use MDMA at parties to enhance their experience.

例句 2:

MDMA 可以讓人感到更有同理心和社交性。

MDMA can make people feel more empathetic and social.

例句 3:

使用 MDMA 可能會帶來一些健康風險。

Using MDMA can come with some health risks.



Ecstasy 是 MDMA 的俗稱,通常用於描述這種藥物的娛樂性使用。它在夜店和音樂節上非常流行,因為它可以增加快樂感和社交互動。儘管它被視為一種派對藥物,但其使用也伴隨著潛在的健康風險。


例句 1:

在音樂節上,許多人會使用 Ecstasy 來享受音樂。

At music festivals, many people use Ecstasy to enjoy the music.

例句 2:

Ecstasy 可能會導致脫水和其他健康問題。

Ecstasy can lead to dehydration and other health issues.

例句 3:

使用 Ecstasy 需要謹慎,因為它可能影響身體的溫度調節。

Using Ecstasy requires caution as it can affect the body's temperature regulation.



這是 MDA 和 MDMA 的全名,通常在科學或醫學文獻中使用。這種化合物的結構特徵使其能夠影響中樞神經系統,進而改變情緒和知覺。


例句 1:

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine 是一種合成的精神活性物質。

Methylenedioxymethamphetamine is a synthetic psychoactive substance.

例句 2:

在研究中,Methylenedioxymethamphetamine 的效果被廣泛探討。

The effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine have been widely studied in research.

例句 3:

了解 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine 的作用對於公共健康很重要。

Understanding the effects of Methylenedioxymethamphetamine is important for public health.