例句 1:
This rhinoceros beetle has a massive horn that is quite impressive.
例句 2:
Male rhinoceros beetles display aggressive behavior during mating season.
例句 3:
In some cultures, the rhinoceros beetle is seen as a symbol of courage and strength.
這是一個包含多種昆蟲的科,其中包括獨角仙和其他類似的甲蟲。這些昆蟲在生態系統中扮演著重要的角色,特別是在分解有機物方面。許多種類的 Scarabaeidae 也被用作農業的生物防治。
例句 1:
Scarabaeidae 科的昆蟲對於土壤的健康非常重要。
Insects from the Scarabaeidae family are crucial for soil health.
例句 2:
這種甲蟲是 Scarabaeidae 科的一員,對於生態系統有重要貢獻。
This beetle is a member of the Scarabaeidae family, contributing significantly to the ecosystem.
例句 3:
許多 Scarabaeidae 科的昆蟲在文化中也有特殊的象徵意義。
Many insects from the Scarabaeidae family hold special symbolic meanings in various cultures.
例句 1:
This horned beetle is quite common in the forest.
例句 2:
In nature, horned beetles come in various shapes and colors.
例句 3:
Observing the behavior of horned beetles is an interesting experience.
例句 1:
Dynastinae 亞科的獨角仙在熱帶地區特別常見。
Dynastinae rhinoceros beetles are particularly common in tropical regions.
例句 2:
這種獨角仙屬於 Dynastinae 亞科,並以其美麗的顏色而聞名。
This rhinoceros beetle belongs to the Dynastinae subfamily and is known for its beautiful colors.
例句 3:
許多 Dynastinae 亞科的昆蟲在生態系統中扮演著重要角色。
Many insects in the Dynastinae subfamily play important roles in the ecosystem.