稻荷神的日文名稱,通常用來指代這位神明。Inari 是日本神道教的重要神祇,與稻米、農業和商業繁榮有關。Inari 的神社通常會有許多紅色的鳥居,吸引著信徒和遊客。
例句 1:
I visited the Inari shrine in Nagoya and saw many worshippers praying.
例句 2:
在日本,Inari 是一位非常受歡迎的神明。
In Japan, Inari is a very popular deity.
例句 3:
Inari 祭典每年都吸引大量遊客。
The Inari festival attracts many visitors every year.
例句 1:
許多商人會向 Inari deity 祈求成功。
Many merchants pray to the Inari deity for success.
例句 2:
Inari deity 的神社經常有豐富的祭品供奉。
The shrines of the Inari deity often have abundant offerings.
例句 3:
在日本,Inari deity 被視為豐收和繁榮的象徵。
In Japan, the Inari deity is regarded as a symbol of harvest and prosperity.
例句 1:
農民們會向 Rice deity 祈求好收成。
Farmers pray to the Rice deity for good harvests.
例句 2:
Rice deity 在日本的文化中佔有重要地位。
The Rice deity holds an important place in Japanese culture.
例句 3:
許多節慶都與 Rice deity 的崇拜有關。
Many festivals are related to the worship of the Rice deity.
例句 1:
Harvest god 的崇拜在農村地區特別流行。
The worship of the Harvest god is particularly popular in rural areas.
例句 2:
人們相信 Harvest god 能夠帶來豐富的糧食。
People believe that the Harvest god can bring abundant food.
例句 3:
在收穫季節,農民會舉行儀式來感謝 Harvest god。
During the harvest season, farmers hold ceremonies to thank the Harvest god.