例句 1:
The coastline of Cornwall is truly spectacular.
例句 2:
I plan to spend my holiday in Cornwall.
例句 3:
Cornwall is known for its beautiful beaches and charming villages.
例句 1:
County of Cornwall 有許多歷史遺跡可以參觀。
The County of Cornwall has many historical sites to visit.
例句 2:
在 County of Cornwall 的旅遊指南中,介紹了許多當地的活動。
The travel guide for the County of Cornwall features many local activities.
例句 3:
County of Cornwall 是英國最受歡迎的旅遊地點之一。
The County of Cornwall is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the UK.
例句 1:
Cornish region 的文化活動吸引了許多遊客。
Cultural events in the Cornish region attract many visitors.
例句 2:
Cornish region 的食物和音樂非常有特色。
The food and music of the Cornish region are very distinctive.
例句 3:
Cornish region 的藝術家們在當地展覽他們的作品。
Artists from the Cornish region exhibit their works locally.
例句 1:
Cornish county 的政府正在推動可持續旅遊。
The government of Cornish county is promoting sustainable tourism.
例句 2:
在 Cornish county,許多小鎮保持著傳統的生活方式。
In Cornish county, many towns maintain traditional ways of life.
例句 3:
Cornish county 的自然景觀吸引了許多攝影師。
The natural landscapes of Cornish county attract many photographers.